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26 February 2021The best orgasm
The word orgasm, linguistically speaking, comes from the Greek and means passion or desire. And the word climax means ladder or climb, since it is the last stretch to achieve sexual pleasure. However, in men we usually talk about ejaculation before orgasm.
What is an orgasm?
It is very difficult to describe what an orgasm is because the perception and feelings of each person vary. However, the phases that follow an orgasm, which would be arousal, followed by prolonged arousal, orgasm and, finally, the release of accumulated sexual tension, can be put in common.
On the other hand, our brain plays an important role in our orgasms. The brain is responsible for releasing different chemicals in our bloodstream responsible for making us feel good. First of all, the brain secretes dopamine, which is the hormone responsible for the feeling of euphoria.
Second, endorphins are released, but instead of causing euphoria, they induce us to relax. On the other hand, another hormone that plays an important role is oxytocin, which is responsible for the feeling of well-being that we obtain after an orgasm.
In conclusion, due to the secretion of so many hormones, it is practically impossible for people to feel completely the same, since our brain releases different amounts of each hormone. However, we can agree that the feeling afterwards is calm and well-being.
Previous arousal
Pre-arousal is one of the most important parts of orgasm. The stimulus can be produced through touch, which as a general rule is the main sense when it comes to arousal. Of course, the other senses such as sight, smell, taste and hearing also play an important role in arousal.
The male orgasm can be divided into a four-phase physiological process: arousal, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
This phase focuses on the physical or psychological stimulation of the man to achieve an erection. The erection is the consequence of the blood that spreads along the penis and flows causing the penis to become rigid and grow in size. And as a result, the testicles also swell and stretch towards the body.
In this phase, blood begins to fill the blood vessels in and around the penis, increasing the size of the glans and testicles. On the other hand, the respiratory rate increases and the gluteal and thigh muscles tighten.
During the orgasm phase, the pulse and respiration speed up and semen is forced into the urethra by a series of spasms and contractions in the genital area, expelling the semen in a process called ejaculation.
In the last phase, the man enters into temporary recovery during which it is not possible to have more orgasms. It is also known as a refractory period that varies from person to person. On the one hand, the size of the penis and testicles returns to their natural state. On the other hand, breathing and pulse, although at first slightly altered, then return to their natural rhythm.