Our tantric erotic massages improve your sexual health!
10 August 2022Masajes Shiva: go to the best center of Barcelona
4 November 2022Does sex help contractures?
After sex we always feel more relaxed, but does this relaxation have any physical advantage? We discuss all the benefits of experiencing orgasm.
People diagnosed with anxiety disorders often experience uncomfortable physical symptoms, including sweating, rapid heart rate, and tremors. A 2016 study reported that there were 1,247,000 anxiety-related emergency room visits annually. However, there are little tricks that can reduce your stress levels considerably and one of them is sex.
Beyond the pathologies related to anxiety, such as experiencing frequent feelings of fear and worry that can affect the body by contributing to pain and muscle tension, the stress of everyday life also affects the body by contracting it. Usually, the muscles gradually tighten and can cause a feeling of stiffness throughout the body.
Stress, pain and tension
Life itself causes tension. Even those without noticeable anxiety symptoms tend to experience muscle tension from time to time. Tension is natural and occurs when a person has some kind of emotional or physical stress.
Muscular tension is one of those difficult consequences derived from stress. When a person's fight or flight system is activated (which occurs in times of stress and anxiety), muscles naturally contract. This muscle contraction is advantageous when the body and brain signal that a person is in danger, but on a day-to-day basis, it is more of a drawback than an advantage.
In some cases, one's response to muscle tension can also cause further aches and pains. For example, bending over because of back pain can lead to pain in other parts of the back, or avoiding exercise because of pain and tightness in the legs could lead to increased muscle strain. Having physical muscle pain can be a vicious cycle, as certain movements or the lack of them can cause additional pain.
How does muscle tension feel?
Most muscle tension is experienced as a dull ache. But tension can also cause sharp pains, stabbing pains, long-lasting pains, and quick pains.
The added anxiety of pain
Another problem can arise for people with anxiety and muscle pain if they are hyper-aware of how their body feels. People with panic disorder, hypochondriasis, and other anxiety disorders become "hypersensitive" (or overly aware) of how their body feels. They tend to notice everything: every pain, every itch, and every change. It may also seem unavoidable, as this awareness can be an inherent part of certain anxiety disorders.
However, we have a trick: sex. Making love not only increases hormones and other chemicals in the brain, it also lowers levels of stress hormones.
How sex relieves stress and anxiety
Sexual activity and orgasm can relax your body and release many hormones that support overall health and wellness. Similarly, sex can increase dopamine, a neurotransmitter sometimes called the "feel-good chemical" because it reinforces feelings of pleasure.
Increased oxytocin
Oxytocin is known as the "love hormone" because it is released during physical contact, such as foreplay and sexual intercourse between adult partners, as well as during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. The physical closeness of sex, along with orgasm, provides oxytocin. This hormone can relieve pain.
Increased endorphins
Endorphins are neurotransmitters, not hormones, but they are also released during sexual activity (as well as other physical activities, such as running and in response to pain). Like oxytocin, they can relieve stress and improve mood.
The combination of these two hormones can act as a sedative and can help you sleep. A good rest not only helps you cope better with your day-to-day life, but also has other types of advantages for your body that are essential for staying healthy.
Better sleep can contribute to:
- A stronger immune system
- Longer life
- Feel more rested
- Have more energy during the day
- Headache relief
Another study shows that sexual activity can provide complete or partial relief from migraines and headaches.
Of the people who were sexually active during their attacks:
60% reported improvement during a migraine.
70% reported having moderate to complete relief during a migraine.
37% reported symptom improvement in cluster headaches
91% reported moderate to complete relief of cluster headache.
Just as it can increase hormones with positive effects, sex appears to decrease levels of adrenaline and cortisol, known as "stress hormones." While this may be necessary and helpful in a temporary emergency situation, having too much cortisol all the time is not healthy for your brain or body.
Sexual activity seems to be a way to release stress by reducing these hormones. One study looked at women's heart rate and cortisol levels as a measure of stress response and found that they showed less of a stress response after "positive physical contact" with their partner. Emotional support alone did not have the same effect.
These findings suggest that having sex can lead to a less stressful response during challenging situations, which is a good thing.
Therefore, yes, having sex and experiencing an orgasm has positive effects on our body because it reduces stress and, therefore, the contractures that it generates.
The same thing happens with the benefits of erotic massage: it helps relieve contractures and reduce muscle tension. By benefiting from all the physical advantages that tantra has, erotic massage is the best option. We encourage you to visit us at Shiva Massages, the most exciting place in all of Barcelona.